Saturday, April 20, 2013

Hannah's 8th Grade Dance

I have to say every photo shoot is such a blessing to me, and such fun! I truly love taking pictures, seeing people relax and smile. Any photo shoot should be all about fun and smiles! And of course, Defining Moments of Life! 

So for my friend Kim, this is a very important memory in the life of her oldest daughter, Hannah. I have had the pleasure of watching this young lady grow up. And now, I get to share in her 8th grade dance night.  

Kim, or should I say Hannah, asked if I could come to their house and take her pictures before she heads off to “the dance”.  Of course, I said yes.  So on Friday night, Kevin and I headed out to Oviedo before our date night (a Friday tradition!).  On our way out to Oviedo, the black rain clouds started pouring.  However, in Florida, the rain can be over in 15 minutes, so I wasn’t too worried about the rain.

We arrived at the Kelley’s house  and the rain followed us all the way.  We decided to sit and visit, hoping the rain would pass.  It became obvious that the rain was not going to stop. So,  we “modified on the fly!” Luckily, the Kelley’s have a full covered front porch!  Hannah and I stepped outside on the porch and began having so much fun, despite the rain. 

Hannah is just adorable! She was ready...ready to smile and  ready to strike-a-pose!  Her smile is so natural and so beautiful! Honesty, she should be a model! And while we were striking-a-pose on the porch, the rain let up just enough for us to grab umbrellas and head out in the yard! We played “in the rain” and in our bare feet….what every good Florida-girl does! Time went by so fast, it was time for Kevin and I to go because it was time for Miss Hannah to go to “the dance”!  I can’t wait to hear all about it! 

I usually have my favorites that I post on my blog...but all of Hannah's are my favorites. It was hard for me to pick these few pictures to share.

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